Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Update "More to do in October" 2010

Well another successful apple harvest has ended. To all those who came out and enjoyed themselves and respected our orchard thank you for picking at Smith Farm! If you missed out on apple picking, remember next year we start apples in September on Labor Day Weekend !! We can only keep the apples on the trees for so long (especially when some insist on knocking them all off !)
Is this the end of things to do a Smith Farm you may ask? Heck no! We still have:
  • Pick your own pumpkins (weekends via hayride), and the pumpkin pile at the farm stand every day.
  • Hallowlantern Hayride October 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29 & 30...a night time 30 minute hayride (not haunted) to view hundreds of expertly carved jack-o-lanterns. Catch the hayride on Wed, Thur and Sunday dates from "Dark" until 9 pm and on the Fri and Saturday dates from "Dark" until 10 pm. Adults $14.00 Children 12 and under $12.00 or Ride twice for $20.00 Adults/$18.oo Children.
  • Farmstand remains open until winter with all of our own apples, our own potatoes, our own fresh pressed cider, Halloween display and sales, jams, jellies, baked goods, squashes, mums, and more !!

Hope to see you soon !!


FooRunner said...

Do you have apple cider donuts too? I am bummed I missed the apple picking, guess I will have to get in gear for next year!

apple1 said...

Yes, we are making some cider donuts but not as many as when things were in full swing. We always have Our own fresh pressed cider. New! A Cape Cod jelly maker is using our honey crisp apples for specialy honey crisp jam, jelly and apple butter. It is all natural and available now at the farm stand. ~Smith

Anonymous said...

Thought you might enjoy taking a look at the photos I took of your incredible Halloween Ghoul Gallery. They're posted on Flickr at:

Keep up the great work!

apple1 said...

Thanks PapaDunes! Compliments are nice to "hear" and appreciated !!