Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 2011 Pick Your Own Strawberries

Well summer is finally upon us and the strawberries are in! We were very lucky to avoid any serious late spring frosts so the crop is looking very healthy. Why settle for tasteless supermarket berries from who-knows-where when you can pick your own fresh ones right here in your own back yard? If you don’t feel like picking your own, we pick daily for the farm stand where you can grab a box and not even get dirty! If you can however, I recommend picking your own at least once for the experience. Its hard work but fun to see just how things grow and where they come from. We grow over 3 acres of berries so come do some picking!

Now for a few picking and storage tips: There is a minimum amount required for pick your own (you must pick at least 2 quarts). If you would like less they are available in the farm stand already picked. When picking strawberries you want to handle them like eggs…you simply cradle the berry in your last three fingers while pinching the stem between your thumb and first finger to break the stem. If you grab and tug on the berry itself you're only going to squish it. Be sure to move the plant leaves to find the berries hidden underneath – sometimes these are the best ones, especially as the season winds down later in June. Strawberries require a lot of sun and are therefore planted in wide open fields - we open at 9am and start picking before it gets too hot! Berries can be frozen and enjoyed all season long and even into next spring. Simply rinse in a strainer, cut off the stem and if desired, cut in half, and store in ziplock type freezer-rated bags. When freezing berries its best not to pick them over-ripe as they do not freeze well. Ripe but firm berries freeze the best while riper berries should be eaten fresh.

Also, its not too late to plant your own garden. The warm spring has everyone thinking gardens should be planted by now but you have until June 15 in general to get your veggie plants in. We have plenty of plants started and ready for transplanting plus seeds, natural and organic (our own) fertilzers, and pest supplies. Stop by the greenhouses and farm stand for all your gardening needs.

Happy Gardening and Picking!

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