Friday, July 8, 2011

July 2011 PYO Blueberries

July is National Blueberry Month. No, really...its National Blueberry Month. Granted anyone can nominate any month, day or year to be a national something or other but Blueberries and July certainly fit. Did you know blueberries are high in vitamins, anti oxidents and are just plain good for you! They can be frozen and enjoyed all year long too. Try them on cereal, ice cream, in pies, muffins or cakes. All sorts of recipes are out there on what to do with blueberries. Pick Your Own blueberries is open 7 days a week 9am to 4pm and generally runs now thru August. They are also availabel pre picked in the farm stand. As a reminder, kindly pay for all you pick...granted blueberries do grow on bushes but they cost money to grow!
Thanks and hope to see you soon.
CN Smith Farm

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